Welcome to Chat Room Fun

123 Chat with 1000+ people live in rooms of 123 Chat,Meebo,Xat,Yahoo Messanger,Google talk,facebook,AOL,Chat Room,MySpace,Personal Rooms,ICQ,Zapak,Ebuddy etc...

Following are the lists of Rooms

1.Mix Rooms

(Rooms List:Lounge,Singles,Friends,Indian,Brazil,USA,Pakistan,International,Teens,Rainbow etc.)

2.XAT Rooms

(Rooms List:-Teen Hang Out Plaza,Brazil Chat,Trade Chat,Justin Bieber etc.)

3.Meebo Rooms

(Rooms List:Adult Chatter,Chat Bazzar-Default,Even,Main, Datanta, Daugaunet,Crazy Chat,Global Chat,Live Chats,Love Paki etc.)

4.E Buddy

(Rooms List:EBuddy,Yahoo Messanger,Google Talk,Facebook,ICQ,MySpace,MSN and Hvyes)

5.My Chat Star

6.Google Talk